Fun Run
The Prairie Ridge PTO recognizes the need to promote healthy activities as well as simplifying the way we reach our budget goals. Therefore we have decided to host a Fun Run each fall to meet the majority of our fundraising goals.
What is a Fun Run? A Fun Run is a walk/run-a-thon, kid style. It will take place during school. Students will spend 40 minutes at the Fun Run event which includes a fun warm up, followed by time to run, jog or walk with their friends and classmates. Afterward, they will enjoy a cool down and a hydrating snack.
Students will bring home a pledge packet. This fundraiser will help provide the funding for the PTO this year for the field trips, school supplies and everything else.
We recognize that it is a busy time of year for families and that you may have many competing interests, with increasingly limited funds. We have selected this opportunity as it requires very little volunteer help, while offering unlimited profits and easy on-line pledges from anywhere in the world via PayPal.
To donate to the school for the fundraiser with your credit card, complete the information below and you will be take to PayPal to complete the transaction. You don't need a PayPal account, they just process the credit card for the PTO.
We appreciate anyone who would like to come and volunteer for the event. You can look for more information on facebook or backpack mail the closer we get to the event.
Thank You
Prairie Ridge PTO